Status of a Limonium binervosum agg. segregant in an Anglesey saltmarsh


  • E. Ivor S. Rees



new micro-endemic, sandy saltmarsh, Crigyll Estuary, Irish Sea


A distinctive segregant of Limonium binervosum agg. (Plumbaginaceae) has been known in sandy saltmarshes near Rhosneigr on the west coast of Anglesey v.c.52, Wales since at least 2006. Based on morphological characters it belongs in the L. recurvum (sensu lato) part of the aggregate, but it differs from the only L. recurvum subspecies previously confirmed as present on Irish Sea coasts, L. recurvum subsp. humile (Girard) Ingrouille. This was renamed L. naniforme (Ingr) Sell due to Sell & MurrelL (2018), treating the subspecies of L. binervosum agg. as full species. If a consensus adopts this approach, it leaves the Anglesey L. recurvum (sensu lato) segregant without a valid name. Under the hierarchical system propounded by Ingrouille & Stace (1986), the Anglesey plants are named here as L. recurvum subsp. crigyllensis I. Rees subsp. nov (Crigyll sea-lavender). When or if the Sell & Murrell approach is generally adopted the subspecies name can become the new species name.


